
Loads an array of values according to the specified types.
await Bar.load(modes:array, priceType:int, timeFrame:string, symbol:string)


Name Type Действие Значение по умолчанию
modes array Array of Bar.Mode enumeration values
priceType int Price type of of the bar
timeFrame string TimeFrame. It can be any of TimeFrame enumeration values. 0 means the current chart TimeFrame.
symbol string Symbol name. null means the current symbol.

Return value

Returns an object with the requested data arrays


Used in the method onUpdate. Arrays are obtained by destructuring - the name of the variable must be identical to the name of the type.
It is desirable that they be constants to avoid changing them.
If you need to load data by several types, then the best way to get them is to specify in the method all loaded types separated by commas.
The list of available types can be found in Bar.Mode


// Load an array of values with closing prices of all bars
const {Close} = await Bar.load([Bar.Mode.Close], PriceType.Bid);

// Loading an array of values for several types at once
const {High, Low, Close, Volume} = await Bar.load([Bar.Mode.High, Bar.Mode.Low, Bar.Mode.Close, Bar.Mode.Volume], PriceType.Bid);

// Load an array of values with closing prices and open prices of all bars and assign them to the variables CloseOtherName and OpenName, respectively 
const {Close:CloseOtherName, Open:OpenOtherName} = await Bar.load([Bar.Mode.Close, Bar.Mode.Open], PriceType.Bid);