
Props for graphical objects


Anchor Anchor point
Angle Double value to set/get angle object property in degrees
ArrowCode Integer value or arrow enumeration to set/get arrow code object property
Color Color value to set/get object color
Deviation Double value to set/get deviation property for Standard deviation objects
DrawLines Displaying lines for marking the Elliott Wave
Fill Filling the object with color
Font Font
FontSize Integer value to set/get font size for text objects
Id Object Id
LineHeight Line spacing for object type Text
Name Object name
PositionOrigin The origin of coordinates on the chart for positioning the object by functions setPosition, setPositionX и setPositionY
PositionX The X coordinate relative to the origin, specified by setPositionOrigin
PositionY The y-coordinate relative to the origin, specified by setPositionOrigin
Price Price coordinate
Price1 Double value to set/get first coordinate price part
Price2 Double value to set/get second coordinate price part
Price3 Double value to set/get third coordinate price part
Price4 Double value to set/get fourth coordinate price part
Scale Double value to set/get scale object property
Style Value is one of DrawingStyle constants to set/get object line style
Symbol Symbol for the Chart object
Text Description of the object (the text contained in the object)
Time Time coordinate
Time1 Datetime value to set/get first coordinate time part
Time2 Datetime value to set/get second coordinate time part
Time3 Datetime value to set/get third coordinate time part
Time4 Datetime value to set/get fourth coordinate time part
Tooltip The text of a tooltip.
Type Object type
Width Integer value to set/get object line width. Can be from 1 to 5