
Graphic object type


Used in the method onUpdate when creating for an indicator
as the first argument to the function createObject


len newObject = this.createObject(GObject.Type.vLine, objectName);


AndrewsPitchfork Вилы Эндрюса
Arrow Symbol
ArrowCheck Check mark
ArrowDown Arrow to down
ArrowStop Stop symbol
ArrowUp Up Arrow Symbol
ArrowedLine Arrow line
CycleLines Cyclic lines
ElliottCorrectiveWave Elliott Corrective Wave
Ellipse Ellipse
EquidistantChannel Equidistant channel
FiboChannel Fibonacci Channel
FiboFan Fibonacci fan
FiboLines Fibonacci lines
FiboTimeZone Fibonacci time zones
GannFan Fan Gann
InsidePitchfork Internal Fork
Label Text Label
ModifiedSchiffPitchfork Modified Schiff's Pitchfork
ParallelLines Parallel Lines
Rectangle Rectangle
RegressionLine Linear Regression
SchiffPitchfork Types of Schiff
Text Text
TrendLine Trend line
hLine Horizontal line
vLine Vertical line