Creating an ATR Channel Indicator

export class Main extends Indicator {
// create and export a class named Main - a child class (inheriting from the property) of the Indicator predefined class, which in turn is a child of the mScript predefined class.

// constructor creates and initializes the objects necessary for the indicator to work
constructor () {
// "In the constructor, the super keyword is used as a function that calls the parent constructor. It must be called before the first call to the this keyword in the body of the constructor."
super ();

// The indicator data is displayed in a separate window? no, by default; here could be the string this.setProperty (Property.SeparateWindow, false);
// here it was possible to set the display name of the indicator this.setProperty (Property.ShortName, "ATR_Channels"); or this.setProperty (Property.ShortName, "ATR Channels");

// Add user preference requests to the indicator initialization dialog box
this.addInput ("PeriodsATR",, 18); // ATR indicator period (Average true Range,


this.addInput ("MA_Periods",, 49); // Moving Average Period

        this.addInput ("MA_type",, Averaging.LinearWeighted); // type of moving average used 

// channel width
this.addInput ("Mult_Factor1", InputType.float, 1.6); // channel multiplication factor 1

        this.addInput ("Mult_Factor2", InputType.float, 3.2); // channel 2 multiplier

        this.addInput ("Mult_Factor3", InputType.float, 4.8); // channel 3 multiplier

        this.addInput ("PriceType", InputType.PriceType, PriceType.Bid); // type of used price (PriceType) - Bid or Ask

this.buffers = {// create the necessary buffers for work


// moving average line buffer
MA_Buffer0: this.addBuffer (),

// channel line buffers
Ch1up_Buffer1: this.addBuffer (),
Ch1dn_Buffer2: this.addBuffer (),
Ch2up_Buffer3: this.addBuffer (),
Ch2dn_Buffer4: this.addBuffer (),
Ch3up_Buffer5: this.addBuffer (),
Ch3dn_Buffer6: this.addBuffer (),
} // end of constructor method

onInit () {// Initialization of the indicator, executed immediately after loading by the client terminal
let {PeriodsATR, MA_Periods, Mult_Factor1, Mult_Factor2, Mult_Factor3} = this.getInputs (), // get user-defined data and enter their values ​​in the corresponding variables,
// valid only within the given program block
drawBegin = Math.max (PeriodsATR, MA_Periods); // calculate the number of the bar from which the indicator lines begin to be drawn: the largest value from PeriodsATR, MA_Periods;


// initialization of indicator value buffers
.setShape (Shape.Line) // set the type of chart - line
.setColor (Color.Green) // default line color; in the dialog box, you can select another

.setDrawBegin (drawBegin) // set the bar number (counted from the beginning of the data), from which the indicator line starts drawing //

.setShape (Shape.Line)
.setColor (Color.DeepSkyBlue)
.setDrawBegin (drawBegin)
.setLabel ("ATRd (" + PeriodsATR + "," + Mult_Factor1 + ")") // name of the menu item in the indicator launch dialog box - a line composed of the default values ​​of the variables specified in the constructor,
// framed by appropriate text

// similarly - for other buffers
.setShape (Shape.Line)
.setColor (Color.DeepSkyBlue)
.setDrawBegin (drawBegin)
.setLabel ("ATRd (" + PeriodsATR + "," + Mult_Factor1 + ")")
; // Buffer settings 1-2 are responsible for two blue parallel lines of the indicator

.setShape (Shape.Line)
.setColor (Color.Blue)
.setDrawBegin (drawBegin)
.setLabel ("ATRd (" + PeriodsATR + "," + Mult_Factor2 + ")")

.setShape (Shape.Line)
.setColor (Color.Blue)
.setDrawBegin (drawBegin)
.setLabel ("ATRd (" + PeriodsATR + "," + Mult_Factor2 + ")")
; // Buffer settings 3-4 are responsible for two blue parallel indicator lines

.setShape (Shape.Line)
.setColor (Color.Red)
.setDrawBegin (drawBegin)
.setLabel ("ATRd (" + PeriodsATR + "," + Mult_Factor3 + ")")

.setShape (Shape.Line)
.setColor (Color.Red)
.setDrawBegin (drawBegin)
.setLabel ("ATRd (" + PeriodsATR + "," + Mult_Factor3 + ")")
; // Buffer settings 5-6 are responsible for two red parallel indicator lines
} // end of the onInit function

async onUpdate () {// onUpdate is a standard function that is executed every time a new tick is received by the symbol for which the indicator is calculated
const {PeriodsATR, MA_Periods, MA_type, Mult_Factor1, Mult_Factor2, Mult_Factor3, PriceType} = this.getInputs (), // get user-defined data and enter their values in the corresponding constants,
{MA_Buffer0, Ch1up_Buffer1, Ch1dn_Buffer2, Ch2up_Buffer3, Ch2dn_Buffer4, Ch3up_Buffer5, Ch3dn_Buffer6} = this.buffers, // get accumulated buffer data
{// request High, Low, Close data from the terminal for all bars and wait for the filling of the corresponding arrays
} = await Bar.load ([// await is a program execution is suspended until all data is received
], PriceType),
barSize = Close.length; // barSize = the number of elements in the array Close

/ *
Here it was possible to add "protection against the fool": MA_type is a type of moving average should be 0, 1, 2 or 3,
and the user is allowed to enter any other value, including negative
* /

let maList, atrList, atr, ma; // let is a declaration of variables valid only within the given program block

if (barSize <= Math.max (PeriodsATR, MA_Periods)) {// if the number of bars is not enough for calculations
return // interrupt function execution, return to waiting for a new tick

// request (with appropriate parameters: symbol, timeframe, moving period, offset, type of moving, type of applied price //, type of price)

// array of moving average values
		maList = await Indicators.MA(Current.Symbol, Current.TimeFrame, MA_Periods, 0, MA_type, AppliedPrice.Typical, PriceType); // wait for all the data

// request (with appropriate parameters: symbol, timeframe, ATR period, price type) an array of ATR indicator values
        atrList = await Indicators.ATR(Current.Symbol, Current.TimeFrame, PeriodsATR, PriceType);  // дождаться всех данных	

        for (let i = 0; i